Course: Administrative Secretary and Personal As...
Video lesson

Know the latest technology

– As an administrative professional, you’ll often come across new technology that will help you become more efficient in your job. You’ll want to stay on top of the latest tech trends to not only help you, but also help your executive be more efficient. You may have an executive that is tech-savvy and you may have one that is not. Here are some basic guidelines that can help you with both. Ideally, try to have the same version and type of phone as your executive. This way, when your executive is stuck on something, you can easily walk them through how to fix it. Since your phone is identical, you can actually fix it right along with them, as you’ll be seeing what they see. The same goes for an iPad or other key piece of technology. If your executive is using OneDrive or another cloud software, make sure your account is set up to look and act as theirs does. This way you can easily walk them through whatever it is they’re looking for. Remember, they will call on you when they are stuck or need assistance. So your job is to help them easily resolve their problems so they can get back to work. Be familiar with your executive’s work phone: the layout, key apps, et cetera. This way, if they have a simple question such as if they deleted an app, you can fix the problem very quickly. Keep a confidential log of their usernames and passwords so that you can easily access them. This way, if there’s any kind of problem you can give that information to your executive or you can fix the issue yourself. Keep extra phone cords, chargers, et cetera on hand. Be familiar with the latest phones, iPads, laptops, tablets, et cetera. You don’t have to have these, but it’s nice to be familiar with them, as your executive may be curious about the latest piece of technology and what it can do for them. At the end of the day, you want to be a useful resource for your executive. The easiest way to help them is to know how to use the technology and to have the same setup or configuration that they do. This makes things much easier to fix whenever you might run into an issue.